The stakes are high, the model is very complex and just now you have no capacity for a cross-check? In such scenarios, we offer you our expertise – quickly and reliably.
The decisions taken based on your models often have large financial implications. Do you require a security cross-check of the results your model delivered, or do you have questions about specific business areas and whether they are fully and correctly mapped in your model? Or does the cash flow not work out and you can’t find the error? Does the overall appearance not fit the normalized representation?
That’s where the four-eye principle comes in handy – especially if the second pair of eyes has already validated many models and identified many errors.
Maybe it is standard procedure for you to subject your models to external quality control.
Then you have found your sparring partner! Thanks to the numerous models we have developed and reviewed in the last 15 years, we know what is important and how results can be efficiently corroborated and validated.
We will thoroughly review your model. We sign a confidentiality agreement and validate your model. And if you want, we are also happy to provide you with recommendations for structure and design.